Life is like a box of chocolates..I love this idea! You can create a giant class heart and have the kids design their own personalized candy. Have the students write inside their candy, "Life is like a ______________".
Heart Breaker: This bulletin board shows split hearts with rhyming words. I would also use this for compound words too. I would then have the students include their compound word in their writing. Super creative!

100 Acts of Kindness: This is a cute activity I repeat year after year. You can also do this activity in December or for Read Across America in March. I read the story How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. Sometimes I even get a special guest reader to read the book to the class too. I then talk about how the Grinch's heart grew. As a class, we discuss what we can all do to be kind. I then show the kids a pile of hearts from 1 to 100. I tell them every time they show and Act of Kindness or do a kind deed, they write their name and a sentence telling me what their act of kindness was and then, we hang it or pin it to our giant Grinch. This activity is also a great lead into the 100th day of school too. Here is a picture of our class Grinch.
First: I hang this poem by or on our Grinch:
We're Pinning Acts Of Kindness on the Grinch on the wall,
It's all because his heart is two sizes to small.
His heart needs to grow more,
Let's fill his heart with kindness from the ceiling to the floor!
Can we do it? Yes we can!
Our class will lend a hand.
Here's the picture below!
Groundhog's Day! What do you think the Groundhog will predict and early spring and six more weeks of winter? Write your own article from a reporter's point of view.
More February Writing Prompts:
1.) Write a "Kindness" letter to someone special.
2.) Create a conversation using quotation or "talking marks". To make it a little extra special, use and glue different conversation candy hearts in your writing too.
3.) Oh no, the Tooth Fairy over slept and needs your help. How are you going to help her?
4.) What makes you smile?
5.) I can do 100...
6.) I am ______ years old. When I'm 100 years I will look like, I will live, I will be able to...Students can compare and contrast between the present and the future. Let the students draw a picture of what they look like now and what they will look like then.
7.) If I was the president I would...
8.) Design a new 100 dollar bill. Think about what pictures should be on the front and back. After the students draw a picture of their new $100 bill, have them explain why they made their choices.
9.) February 11th is National Inventor's Day- If you could invent anything in the world, what would it be and why? Draw a picture of your invention.
10.) You are a meteorologist for one day. You also have "special" powers to make any kind of precipitation. What weather would you predict/make? Where would it fall? Why? Draw a picture. This goes great with the book, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs.
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